I am an applied economist and a research associate in LUISS Guido Carli within the Horizon Europe project BridgeGap where I work on mapping corruption risks across EU member states and accession candidates. Currently, I am also involved in projects related to counterfeit and falsified medicines (alongside Transparency International’s Global Health Program) and working on conflicts of interest between healthcare stakeholders.
Previously, I was an ESRC-funded PhD student at the London School of Economics and Political Science where I looked at the interplay between corruption, favoritism and social norms the role of framing in surveys measuring corruption using econometric and experimental methods. My research has appeared peer-reviewed journals (e.g., BMJ , Social Science and Medicine and BMJ Open) and has received media coverage from the Guardian. Before starting my PhD, I worked with the Institute for New Economic Thinking and the Bulgarian Ministry of Health. I hold an MA in Economics with Honors from the University of Glasgow and an MSc in International Health Economics from the LSE, for which I received the Brian Abel Smith Award for best overall performance.
You can find the most recent version of my CV here.